Bob Moses Headlines Red Rocks ‘23
We are proud as punch of Bob Moses for selling out their first headline Red Rocks show and putting on an epic performance!
The band and crew came together in Denver for the first time of 2023, going straight into rehearsals at Brown Note Productions followed by an intimate, stripped back performance at the Fox Theatre in Boulder before the main event @ Red Rocks Amphitheatre on April 15.
Show day was met with snow on the ground but beautiful blue skies. The touring and local crew did an incredible job to get all the gear up the hill, loaded and dialled in record time!
Local act Andy Immerman started the evening, followed by CRi and then Space Miami resident Layla Benitez. Ben Böhmer really got the packed crowd warmed up on what was a very cold Colorado evening.
Bob Moses took to the stage and smashed it out of the park.
A memorable night for everyone involved and real bucket list moment. We hope to do it again!
A huge congratulations to Bob Moses, the band, crew and management, always an absolute pleasure to work with.
Artists: James Vallance & Thomas Howie
Band: Joe Zizzo (Drums) & Julio Tavarez (Bass)
Management: Geoff Barnett, Steve Satterthwaite + Anya Carr-Klein (Day to Day) - Red Light Management
Agents: Latane Hughes (Wasserman), Avery McTaggart (TBA)
Tour Direction: Lost Motel
Tour Manager: Yasmin Massey
Production Manager: Ben Hoffman
Monitors: Allan Bates
FOH: Chris Marinaccio
Show Design & Lighting/ Video Operator: Will Chandler - Envizion Group
Stage/Backline Tech: Trevor Jackson
Lighting/Video Tech: Barth Freed
Co-Ordinator: Brei Bennetts
Photographer: Chelsea Dutton (@chelsea_snaps) & @buckarhymes
Videographers: Frankie Zarantonello, Tomas Morgan
Socials: Jack Smith
AEG Rep: Lauren Laramee